
humanist weddings, Humanist Weddings, Uncategorized

Need a Celebrant?

I am authorised to conduct legal weddings in Scotland!

MMTheCelebrant is a wedding celebrant based out of Glasgow City Centre, serving the greater area of Scotland. Officiant Margaret Mazzone aims to create a bespoke ceremony for every couple, helping to make their big day feel even more meaningful. She loves to bring fun and happiness everywhere she goes and ensures every couple’s ceremony is unique, and their story is told from the heart. Margaret is authorised to conduct legally binding ceremonies in the venue of your choice, anywhere in Scotland.

Services Offered

MMTheCelebrant will work closely with you throughout the planning process to ensure the ceremony script aligns with your vision, telling your story your way. You’re invited to meet with Margaret for a consultation before getting to know her and her style. This can be followed by a ceremony planning meeting, where she will answer any questions you might have.

Please get in Touch!

Let me help you tell your story!

If you need to know more about me click on Hitched!

#bekind, celebrate life, Funerals, Glasgow, Love, poetry, Poetry

To my Daughters!

I am all around you
you'll hear me in the wind!

Listen for it joyfully
When you need me in the night
It's whisper it will remind you
How to get it right!

Look up and you'll see me
Shining in the sun!

My warmth, it will surround you
Caress you when you're sad
Don't despair, I'm always there 
in good times and in bad!

My memory will lead you
And soon you'll understand 
Remember just how strong you were
When last, you, held my hand!

My laughter is a part of you
Make it loud and clear
I've given you the tools you need
You are strong 
My Dear!

Margaret Mazzone

Read more poetry here!

: To my Daughters!
celebrate life, Civil Celebrant, Civil Celebrations, Civil Celebrations

Do you want to be a Celebrant?

You want to be a Civil Celebrant?

This is how I gained Distinction

Here I will give you tips, share my research, information and templates to help you aim for success.

This will give you an overview of what questions to expect and how I answered them in detail as part of my course.

Explores briefly but succinctly everything from the history of Civil Celebration to health and safety of venues.

I have kept this simple for the very beginning of your journey.
Good luck and so happy to be of help!

To Find out click here!

Humourist Funerals, Uncategorized


Have you ever been to a fun Funeral?

I hope my life will be celebrated in an outrageous fashion. When I die I want it to be like the end of X-factor when a video is presented with all the fabulous things I’ve achieved!

What do you want?

Continue reading “Funerals”
Baby's Names, poetry, Uncategorized


Lilibet Lilibet
What’s in a name?
Doria Doria it’s just not the same
It’s too private and gracious
And won’t fan the flame!

If you’re starting a brand?
Then the tag line is crucial
But to trade on your Baby
Well, that’s downright Brutal!

Do they have no shame?
In this quest to stay ‘Private’
Yet pimp out their spawn
While the, dignified,
Stay Quiet!

To read more poetry click here!



We’re in a state of being friends
This thing that we call bonds
How strong a link
How much the love
It’s so much more than fond!

We’ve know each other
Most our lives
We’re intertwined and woven
But never have we fallen out
Never were we broken!

When times are hard
And spirits fail
We pick each other up
We love, support and carry through
With a word, a thought, a touch!

So moving forward
We are strong
Together we are better
Until the end we’ll carry on
F R I E N D S…they come no better!


To read more Poetry click here!

love, Poetry

Pink Moon

Oh my…
My love, I saw the moon, and she revealed the truth
Of me, and you, and dreams so true
The lust, the lie, the loss!

When first I saw your handsome face
The sparkle in your eye
I loved you then
I love you now
But truth, it never lies!

You promised me the sun and stars
The sea, the tide, the sky
You took my soul
My heart
My life
But, in the end, love died!

Oh my…


Click to read more!


Unrequited Love v Lust!

Go on have a listen!

What is Unrequited Love?

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.

—  William Shakespeare

Or, is it simply, we all want what we can’t have?

Continue reading “Unrequited Love v Lust!”
domestic abuse, Lockdown, Loneliness, Poetry, Poetry, Relationships

Loved to Death

Have you ever stayed in a relationship which was bad for you?

Domestic abuse has been on the rise during lockdown and affects men women and children. If you see signs of anyone in trouble then pay attention.

You could be the last hope!

Continue reading “Loved to Death”
Celebrations, Civil Celebrant, Civil Celebrations, restrictions, weddings

Marriage and Restrictions

Should true love should have restriction and are there no rules when it comes to love and marriage?

Here I will give you an outline of the current situation!

Continue reading “Marriage and Restrictions”
Celebrations, Poetry, Uncategorized

It’s Time

Today, It’s nearly over
So I’ll rush right through the gate
And hurry towards the arms
Of loved ones…
Who wait!

We’ll clutch and laugh, 
We’ll cry, we’ll dance

We have a second chance!

This time we have been given, 
To learn and to reflect… 
Life’s precious gift we’re given 
To value and respect

Let’s see this as another chance
To love, be kind, repair
And make the most of everything
Let’s celebrate…
Out there! 

Read More from GG!

Celebrations, Civil Celebrant, Civil Celebrant, Civil Celebrant, Civil Celebrations, Civil Celebrations, Civil Weddings

The Concept of a Civil Ceremony

How did Civil Ceremonies come about?

What do you need to know about the legal requirement of a Civil Marriage?

Ask me any questions you need to know!

Continue reading “The Concept of a Civil Ceremony”
Celebrations, Civil Celebrant, Civil Celebrant

Is Civil Celebrancy a Career?

What is your understanding of what ta Civil Celebrant does!

The two periods of major social change in the UK which led to the development of Celebrancy as a profession areMany and varied!

Continue reading “Is Civil Celebrancy a Career?”

Stupid Cupid

Thank Cupid it’s over for another year!

St Valentine has a lot to answer for!

Don’t get me wrong it’s my choice to be on my own but seriously, even my independent, confident heart leaks when overwhelmed with a barrage of blood, red hearts and flowers. Especially when I’m digesting Haggis and still have left over Christmas pudding in the cupboard

Continue reading “Stupid Cupid”

The Grinch – Nicola Stern-Doom

Is it too early to put up your Christmas tree?

I know where I’d like to put my tree – right up a pert sanctimonious bottom!

This year has been stolen by Covid19 and reinforced by the Covidiots20 who spread theories and conspiracies while also spewing bile and droplets of falsehood. Maybe you are immune to the virus and the truth but others are scared!

Have we lost respect for others?

Continue reading “The Grinch – Nicola Stern-Doom”

review, Uncategorized


Coming out of the dark!

I’m still apprehensive about going out and will only do so if I need to and sometimes this ‘need’ is to share food and company. It’s been sad to see, the Glasgow I love, so quiet and still but it’s starting to come alive.

If we see this as a renaissance and embrace the ‘new normal’ while supporting independent businesses we will emerge with a core which is stronger than ever!  Continue reading “Kastriot’s”

Mindfulness, Uncategorized

Covid19 Breakdown

Were you struggling to stay positive during this #Covid19 Lockdown?

“Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can’t be done.”
Bo Bennett

Now I’m feeling stressed about re-entering civilisation and panicking about the simplest things. So, let’s go gently into the next phase. There is no rush!

Continue reading “Covid19 Breakdown”


To a Friend!

Each to their own!

I know I’m not for everyone

Nor they, indeed, for me

I see my faults

Address them

But they’re still a part of me.

If I have had you in my life

Through good times and the bad

I never meant to cause you harm

Or tried to make you sad!

Though my intentions were never saintly

I tried to do my best

I gave opinions, as I saw

Stuck by them rather bravely!

If you ever saw the worst in me

Moved on an then we parted

I’d like to say I thank you for

The joy with which we started.

All things end eventually

In friendship and in life

I’ve been the best that I could be

A Mum, a friend, a gran – a wife!

So, hold on to your memories

and Jumpers - of the past.

Consider the landscape of your life, 

The ups and downs don't last

Relish every minute 

Because time

It moves...

So fast!

If you like poetry click here!